Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

Burung Cenderawasih

Burung Cenderawasih
Cendrawasih (Bird of Paradise)
            Cendrawasih, which is also called as Bird of Paradise, is member of Paradisaedae family from Passeriformes ordo. It can be found in East Indonesia, islands of Torres Strain, Papua New Guinea, and East Australia. It is divided into 14 genus and approximately 43 species. The other 30 species can be found in Indonesia.
            Papua society believe that Burung Cendrawasih is the reincarnation of Angle in the Paradise. Formerly, these birds were considered as beautiful birds but it had no leg. They would not come to the ground but just fly in the air because of their beautiful fur. Because of that Burung Cendrawasih is well known as Bird of Paradise.
            Cendrawasih birds have special character in their beautiful fur which belongs to males Cendrawasih. Generally, the fur is light color which is combination with some colors like black, brown, florid, orange, white, blue, green and purple.
            The size of Cendrawasih is variety. It starts in 15 cm with 50 gram which is like Cendrawasih Raja of King of Cendrawasih (Cicinnurus regius), up to 110 cm Cendrawasih Paruh Sabit Hitam (Epimachus albertisi) or the weight is up to 450 gram which is same like Cendrawasih Manukod Jambul-bergulung (Manucodia comrii).
            The beautiful of Cendrawasih fur of Males is also for catching attention of Cendrawasih Females. It is to invite the females to be ready to married. The males will show off their fur to the Females with doing some beautiful dancing. While the males are singing in the branch, they dance with some motions and to some directions. But every species of Cendrawasih has their own character of dancing.
            The habitat of Cendrawasih is in heavy jungle, generally in downland.
            Unfortunately, the population of Cendrawasih nowadays more and more threatened and scarce to be found because of dislodgment and illegal commerce at all the times.

Minggu, 06 Oktober 2013

Teks Report

A. Pengertian Report Text

Report Text adalah salah satu dari ke-13 jenis teks bahasa Inggris (Types of Text) yang menghadirkan informasi tentang sesuatu seperti alam, hewan, tumbuhan, hasil karya manusia, dan fenomena sosial dengan apa adanya. Informasi yang dihadirkan dalam Report Text adalah hasil dari observasi dan analisis secara sistematis.Teks Report bertujuan menyampaikan informasi tentang sesuatu, apa adanya, sebagai hasil pengamatan sistematis atau analisis. Yang di deskripsikan dapat meliputi gejala alami, lingkungan, benda buatan manusia, atau gejala-gejala sosial. Deskripsi sebuah Report Text dapat berupa kesimpulan umum, misalnya, ikan paus termasuk binatang mamalia karena ikan tersebut melahirkan anaknya.

B. Struktur Teks/Generic structure Report Text

Dalam Report Text, terdapat struktur teks yang terdiri dari dua bagian, yaitu:

1. General Clasification
Pada bagian general clasification (klasifikasi umum) berisi pengenalan fenomena/ benda yang akan dibicarakan dengan menyertakan pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subjek laporan, keterangan, dan klasifikasi-nya.

2. Description
Pada bagian Description (gambaran) terdiri dari gambaran dari fenomena/ benda yang didiskusikan dari bagian ke bagiannya, kebiasaan atau tingkah laku untuk benda hidup, ataupun kegunaannya untuk benda secara detail.

C. Contoh Teks Report

Burung Pelikan


General Clasification
The white pelican is one of the most successful fish-eating birds.

The success is largely due to its command hunting behaviour. A group, perhaps two dozen birds, will gather in a curved arc some distance offshore. The birds then begin to move forward towards the shore, beating the water furiously with their wings, driving the fish before them.

When the water is shallow enough for the birds to reach the fish, the formation breaks up as each bird dips its bill into the water to scoop up its meal. As the bird lifts its head, the water drains from its bill leaving the fish which are then swallowed. Pelicans are among the oldest group of birds, Fossils of this genus have been found dating back 40 million years.